Tijuana: Tue 28 June 2011
So all in all a quiet day. Maria had a Coley jab early on, which later on in the day managed to just about hit 38 degrees centigrade. My tooth doesn't hurt quite as much today, but I think it will take a few days to heal properly.
Had a good chat with Dr Mora today and gave him a copy of the latest pathologist reports from Maria's last PET scan, which had been written in Swedish and we had the joy of translating. I can assure you translating medical stuff is no easy job.
Weather was pretty overcast today, so we only managed to venture out onto the sun deck for a few minutes, but it was too cold.
Gar was in the hospital today, but I think he was extremely busy with Audrey most of the day and also in the cancer board, where all the doctors meet and discuss the patients, so we didnt meet him yet.
At 3 pm, we had a quick cooking course in how to make the Hippocrate's soup, which is kind of the basis and at the root of the Gerson diet. Recipe to follow.
Have been reading some of Max Gerson's book, "A cancer therapy" and came across a very interesting quote, actually from Leonard Wickendon. It read as follows; "It has been emphasized before that cancer develops in a body which more or less has lost the normal functions of the metabolism as a consequence of a chronic daily poisoning accumulated especially in the liver". Go figure, but basically makes a lot of simple sense.
Well, as said earlier, fairly quiet today, watched a film, lights out at 11 pm.
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