Hard luck Andy! That Nadal is just too good. Still a valiant attempt by the Scotsman nonetheless.
We met up with Audrey's sister again today, who told us that she had suffered a cardiac arrest after surgery, but they had managed to revive her and whilst she wasn't lucid, she was at least stable. We're thinking of you Audrey, get well soon.
We had again, a fairly normal day. I for the second time, gave Maria her Coley shot, with a slightly higher dosage, which didn't prevail as aggressively as yesterday's fever, but she did just about break 38 degrees anyway. Her poor arm, is so sore, she has likened the pain to Dave's description, which was that it was like having someone stab you in the arm with a fork and then twist it around. At least she now has the weekend for the arm to recover, until we start the Coleys again on Monday.
Still Skypeing with Pella every day, and got a quick mail from Nelly the other day telling me how much they were enjoying their holiday in Portugal. Well, at least how well her tan was coming on!
Suddenly the hospital is overrun with people! Another of Audrey's daughters came today, Marie, as well as a new patient from Florida, and his family, wife and three kids! Never seen it so busy the chefs are having to do buffet layouts at dinner instead of individual servings.But really, it's nice with a little more action here.
I'm still doing the coffee enemas, although with varying levels of success, sometimes I have a good one, sometimes a bad one. Don't think I've mastered it yet. One amazing thing about this diet though, is that I have lost 4-5 kilos in just over a week. Forget the no carbs diet, this is the fastest I have ever lost wait.
Unfortunately we will be losing Dr Mora for a week or so after next Tuesday, as he will be going to look after his brother who is having some surgery, but no problem, plenty more doctors to fill in. He will be showing me how to perform an intra-muscular injection on Monday, as I will have to do these on Maria when we get back home.
Quite a lot of goodman news from the guys at work today, watched a bit of Tv with Maria and bed.
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