Humble Pie! Sorry, couldn't resist it. Woke up and watched the BBCs live feed of the MPs select committee hearing over Murdoch's alleged phone hacking. Pretty interesting, unfortunately, not such a tough committee apart from a few exceptions.
Just two days left at CHIPSA and then on to San Diego for a couple of days before our break in Cabo. I think while it has been great here, we are ready to start heading off. Met again with Dr Mora, and I gave Maria a sub cutaneous Coleys. We have now upped the dose to 0.18cc. Another multivitamin IV and tomorrow we shall be giving her the first shot of the Autologous vaccine, and hopefully going through her blood results that went off to the lab this morning. Another really cool chat with Gar this afternoon, who had actually checked himself in to CHIPSA last week after he got a crazy fever. There's a practice what you preach testimonial!
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