Today, Dr Martinez gave Maria a sub cutaneous shot of Coleys. Again, sorry to say, a quiet day today, although we did have cooking class, where we learn to make the infamous, banana oatmeal cookies. Good stuff!
Met with Gar today, once again, much time spent talking about Maria's treatment and plan, and how we will maintain it, even after we leave Mexico. One of the nice things about Gar, is that, even though he abides 100% to Gerson's protocol, which he also modifies and keeps modernized, he doesn't get to tied up in what you can and can't do, for example, the recommended juicer for following the Gerson diet properly cost around $2500! Gar will quite happily recommend one that you can pick up for just over $100, and as he says, when talking about the amount of time it takes to follow the program properly, "one of the most important things is that you find a way, so that you can have a life". This can be done by pre-making soups in advance, juices at the beginning of the day for the whole day, etc, etc.
Been reading and following this NOTW (News of the World) scandal in the British Press, disgusting! Whilst we always understood, how spineless and low these reporters are, I couldn't really believe that the phone hacking could go this low, allegedly. I don't know, I really do believe that everything will come to a head soon. We are moving too fast. Economies are escalating, whilst others are crumbling, we are creating wars that aren't even there, technology is moving faster than we can buy it, and Media and values, well, they don't really go anywhere, and as for diet, nutrition, etc. We just don't have time for that, cause we are too busy with everything else. My opinion? I don't know how we fix it; I actually think it will as I said, come to a head, thus fixing itself, and then we can go back to basics. Phew! Sorry about that. Just my twopence worth.
Maria did get up to 38 degrees, but by no means as aggressive a fever as yesterday. Tomorrow another day. Think we're almost about halfway through our stay now.
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