Tijuana: Wed 29 June 2011
Took one for the team today! Yep, my first ever coffee or anything for that matter enema. It went pretty well actually, and I'll spare you any further details on that, other than to say that I will be taking two a day for the next two weeks, which should result in a total detox.
It was a beautiful day today, with the sun shining almost all the day, this is quite unusual here as Playas de Tijuana has it's own little microclimate with the fog often rolling in off the Pacific Ocean, it can remain fairly overcast here, while just a few kilometres up the road in downtown Tijuana it can be baking sun.
Dr Mora gave Maria a concentrated Coley's shot today, and gave me a course in how to prepare and administer the shot, as I will be doing this back home. I will even be giving Maria her shot tomorrow. We had a long talk about a medicine called Zometa, which is used to prevent and reduce bone metastases. Whilst Maria is extremely cautious and sceptical of normal medicines, Dr Mora explained extremely thoroughly the ins and outs and safeness of this medicine. He also took a lot of time in explaining how whilst the Gerson treatment is based around natural and nutritional balance, we can sometimes use some of the non agressive, non poisonous drugs to possibly aid us. This is also interesting of just this Gerson clinic, in that it endeavors to improve the treatment in accordance with medical progress. Anyway, he has told us to take our time and think about it, as it is ultimately Maria's decision, and something they will never push upon her, so that is what we shall do, think about it.
Rest of the day, fairly normal. We had a course again today, showing us how to prepare the coffee for the enemas, along with how to prepare the Castor Oil enema, which is taken once awake on the Gerson treatment. The coffee is a specially prepared blend that comes from Canada. It isn't Nescafe.
We popped over the road to the supermarket today, which has it's own crazy valet! He stands there with a whistle and then whenever anyone comes with a car, he 'helps' them park it with aid of different whistle pitches. I'm sure they would never manage it without him. We bought a couple of Avocados, as Maria likes to make her own face pack comprising Avocado and Aloe Vera. The fruit and veg at the supermarket seems so fresh, will take a picture next time.
The Coley's came on pretty strong later on, with Maria, holding a steady 38 degree fever, as well as experiencing the spreading pain that sets in across the back while the vaccine is working. While she took a lie down and watched a film, I took a quick spell in the Gym. Managed to do a quick compact 30 minute Bikram Yoga session, alone! First time I have done the yoga without a mirror, it is a true test of concentration and thus balance. I started a 3 Km run on the treadmill after this, but after nearly 2 Ks, the machine just stopped abruptly with 'error code 22'. This was quite a pain when I had been joggin at 9km/h and suddenly down to 0km/h. I had to run a bit on the spot just to warm down.
Maria also had Hydrotherapy today, which is basically a spa whirlpool with aromatherapy in a cosy room, with candles and music and I think she really enjoyed this. I think I will hop in next time.
Not much sign of Audrey today, I think she is preparing for her surgery tomorrow. Good Luck Audrey, she's a tough cookie.
Well, that was about it for today. Quick episode of Sopranos and then bed.